See all these guys?

They want to know who stole their email addresses.

Email Subscription Supper

This is from the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, entitled “The Last Subscription.” Jesus told his apostles that one among them had sold all their email addresses, and they were now destined to live their lives beneath the spectre of spam.

Well, I’m here to spread the good news: You don’t have to be like them.  You can trust that signing up for the Baffled Time Travel email list isn’t a betrayal in the making. I won’t sell your email addresses. As far as I know, they’re safe from Mark Zuckerberg and everyone else.

So please, sign up and get put on the list so I can email you when something new gets posted here. I won’t be bombarding you, either — partially because I have to pay MailChimp if I send out too many. Why does everyone want my money? 

Just type in the little form below. And yes, I know you’re seeing a similar one over on the right if you’re looking at this on an actual computer. That’s just the way these things go sometimes. Blame the person who designed this website, okay? Oh, wait. That was me. 

And by the way: It was Judas. Someone gave him a bag of silver to sell the Apostolic Emails.

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Isn't this dumb?

I totally get it. I see these messages asking for "newsletter" subscriptions all the time, but I've been told it's important. So go ahead and type in your email if you want. I promise I won't sell it or anything. Frankly, I don't even know how.


Please use a cool fake name.

I can't believe you actually trusted me