Ancient Greece isn’t just about kicking guys into wells. I mean…that did happen. Maybe we’ll be able to watch it if you want. But it’s about so much more, like scratching a guy’s name on a broken piece of pottery to cast a vote to kick him out of town, or warships ramming into other warships and setting them on fire.
Yeah. Greek history is pretty intense.
We have many Tales of Greece to observe, just keep in mind that we don’t want to stand out. Read everything here closely, so you’re as prepared as possible. We can’t have anyone thinking we’re time travelers. No talking, no touching. Ancient Greece is extremely influential, and the tiniest action could result in you never even being born.
The Battle of the Centaurs: Sculpted by a 16-year-old Michelangelo, showing the most hardcore wedding brawl in history
The Battle of the Centaurs may not be the most well known piece of Greek Mythology, but it may be the bloodiest and most brutal. And that’s saying something.
The Antikythera Mechanism: An Ancient Greek computer, designed to see into the future
Did the Ancient Greeks really build a computer called the Antikythera Mechanism? They may not have had electricity, but they still managed what many once believed was impossible.
Ancient Ostracism: Banishment ballots stashed in a well, and the tale of the Rob Zombie sea battle
In Ancient Athens, “ostracism” was how you got rid of someone you didn’t like. Have a vote, and send them packing. Maybe you’d even stuff the ballot box.
The Serpent Column of Delphi: melted, erased, engraved, sold, stolen, bashed & replaced
The Serpent Column in Delphi has the longest continuous history of any known object. And it’s certainly been through the wringer.
The painted statues of Ancient Greece, hidden in a pit on the Acropolis
Did you know painted statues were the norm in the ancient world? Thanks to a bunch stashed in a pit, we’re able to get a peek at what they once looked like.
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