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What to see in Luxor Egypt (An 8-part list)

What to see in Luxor Egypt (An 8-part list)

Odds are, you have some idea of what to see in Luxor.  Karnak Temple is probably on your list.  The Valley of the Kings?  Almost certainly. But when I make recommendations on how people should spend their time in Egypt, I always come back to one thing: Maximize your...

What to see at Saqqara and Dashur (A 9-part list)

What to see at Saqqara and Dashur (A 9-part list)

When you think of Pyramids, one thing comes to mind: The Pyramids of Giza.  The word "iconic" seems so overused, but if there's ever a time to break the glass and pull it out, it's now. But there's 118 documented Pyramids in Egypt, and you'll find quite a few of them...

How to avoid scams at the Pyramids of Giza

How to avoid scams at the Pyramids of Giza

You've dreamed of it your entire life.  You've wanted to see the Pyramids for so long, you can't even recall when the desire first took root.  You finally decide it's time to go, and your day is utterly spoiled.  From the moment you set foot on the grounds, you're...

How to ride a camel at the Pyramids

How to ride a camel at the Pyramids

Camels and Pyramids: They go hand in hand, don't they?  Like peas and carrots, like peanut butter and jelly, like...I don't know, I'm out of cliches. Okay, let's ignore the fact that the Ancient Egyptians didn't actually ride camels — the desert animals are still...

Should I go inside the Pyramids?

Should I go inside the Pyramids?

"There's nothing inside." That's how many will answer when asked whether or not they should go inside the Pyramids. It's hot, it's stuffy, it's really cramped.  Picture the most comfortable environment your mind can conjure up, then imagine the exact opposite.  That's...

Where to stay in Cairo

Where to stay in Cairo

The question of where to stay in Cairo is enough to cause cautious travelers to be utterly overwhelmed by the unknown. Certainly, there's an abundance of upscale, classy hotels in downtown Cairo.  These can bring comfort to those who are concerned about potential...

Is the Cairo Pass worth it?

Is the Cairo Pass worth it?

Many cities offer some sort of pass that enables you to avoid buying tickets at every single attraction you want to visit. Florence has the Firenze Card. Athens has the Athens City Pass.  And Cairo has the Cairo Pass. Sometimes, it's worth the cost.  If you visit...

How to get through the Cairo Airport

How to get through the Cairo Airport

The way it’s talked about, the Cairo Airport is a labyrinth full of traps and pitfalls.  Make the wrong choice, and a giant boulder comes rolling down a ramp.  Next thing you know, you’re fleeing for your very life.  Better know where you’re stepping and how much sand to put in your bag, or you’ll regret it.

How to Haggle in Egypt like an expert

How to Haggle in Egypt like an expert

Ah, haggling: as old as human civilization itself, it can cause people from the US or many other western countries to break out in a cold sweat.  I believe the reasons are twofold:  1) It's simply not something we typically do.  You walk into Walmart, there's the...

Tipping in Egypt like a pro

Tipping in Egypt like a pro

If you think that picture up at the top is of the Tomb of Nefertari...well, you're right. But it's also somewhat emblematic of what your experience in Egypt may be like.  Yeah, it's an image of an Iunmutef Priest directing Nefertari towards the afterlife — but it's...

Do I need a tour guide in Egypt?

Do I need a tour guide in Egypt?

  I was like this once. Thinking I'd need tour guides to visit Egypt — or an entire tour group — was one of the main reasons I put off going. Rome, Florence, Venice, London, Paris, Athens: These are all places I visited before going to Egypt, even though it...

Is Egypt Safe?

Is Egypt Safe?

Google search results vary depending on who you are and where you're located, but one thing's for sure: typing the question "Is Egypt safe?" is extremely common.  It's something virtually everyone does when they begin considering whether or not to take the leap. I get...