What’s this nonsense? Why is this a site that’s about time travel, then you wind up on a page with tips for regular travel? Well, not everyone’s up for time traveling. It’s extremely hazardous, not to mention the cause of copious amounts of motion sickness.

So, these are some tips for those who want some more regular travel in their lives: Namely, travel to Egypt. After all, there’s no place on the planet that makes you feel like you’ve traveled to the past, without actually doing it.

There’s a few categories here: General Egypt Travel Tips, Cairo Travel Tips, Luxor Travel Tips, and a couple of Aswan Travel Tips. Now, don’t feel like you’re missing out by not traveling through time. It’s not for everyone. If you want to go through everything from beginning to end, start with the “Should I Travel to Egypt?” post, then click forward to the next article when you reach the bottom.

Or you can just skip around haphazardly. I’m not your boss. Do what you want.


Time Traveling Me
How to Haggle in Egypt like an expert

How to Haggle in Egypt like an expert

Ah, haggling: as old as human civilization itself, it can cause people from the US or many other western countries to break out in a cold sweat.  I believe the reasons are twofold:  1) It's simply not something we typically do.  You walk into Walmart, there's the...

Tipping in Egypt like a pro

Tipping in Egypt like a pro

If you think that picture up at the top is of the Tomb of Nefertari...well, you're right. But it's also somewhat emblematic of what your experience in Egypt may be like.  Yeah, it's an image of an Iunmutef Priest directing Nefertari towards the afterlife — but it's...

Do I need a tour guide in Egypt?

Do I need a tour guide in Egypt?

  I was like this once. Thinking I'd need tour guides to visit Egypt — or an entire tour group — was one of the main reasons I put off going. Rome, Florence, Venice, London, Paris, Athens: These are all places I visited before going to Egypt, even though it...

Is Egypt Safe?

Is Egypt Safe?

Google search results vary depending on who you are and where you're located, but one thing's for sure: typing the question "Is Egypt safe?" is extremely common.  It's something virtually everyone does when they begin considering whether or not to take the leap. I get...

The best itinerary for Egypt

The best itinerary for Egypt

You know, I originally had no plans to include any sort of itinerary here.  It's kind of a cliche, isn't it?  We're one step away from a Top 10 list, and I didn't really feel an urge to tell you about the most delicious food trucks in Cairo. But if I'm going to give...

Should I travel to Egypt?

Should I travel to Egypt?

Should I travel to Egypt?  I have so many questions! The answers are almost always the same.    Ask anyone why they dream of going to Egypt, and you'll inevitably get similar responses — something along the lines of "I've wanted to since I was a kid."  For many...

egypt tips
cairo tips
luxor tips
aswan tips
Egyptian History
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egypt travel tips
Time Traveling Me
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